Rattle Drum – CHINA (Shaped card)



Date sent  14.1.2013

My first shaped card comes from China.. Wow, This is rattle drum; one of the oldest and most traditional toys in China. It is small double sided drum with a handle and a wooen ball hanging from a string attached to each end of the edge to beat the drum. I love the way the artist coloring the design,so artistic… And the stamps also nice, about Chinese building, Chinese bird, lampion and illustrations. J

5 thoughts on “Rattle Drum – CHINA (Shaped card)

  1. lucuu bangetss! cuman kelemahan shape card gini, biasanya ngga banyak space buat nulis pesan yaa? apalagi kalau dapat yang alamatnya panjaaang, wah, bisa2 belakangnya itu isinya cuma nama dan alamat penerima plus id postcrossing, hahahahaha 😀

  2. denissa, mau nanyaaa.. alamat kita sendiri *pengirim* ditulis dimana?? ga ditulis ya? aku mau kirim kartu pos ke australia, baru pertama jd ga terlalu paham. mohon bantuannya.. makasih 🙂

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